Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Retrospective

The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books was held last weekend.  I'm delighted to say that I attended both days.  I had a signing at the Mystery Ink bookstore booth on Saturday, and another at the Mysterious Galaxy bookstore booth on Sunday.   Plus, I staffed the Mystery Writers of America booth for a while on Sunday.

I had a delightful time both days!  A lot of other authors attended, so it was fun to touch base with them.  Plus, a lot of readers were there, too, and some even bought books! 

The LATFOB is now held on the University of Southern California campus.  It's been there for about three years.  Before that, it was located at the UCLA campus.  I like both venues, but USC is certainly convenient for me since I can get there by public transportation--a subway, followed by a train.  I could even read while I was on my way and back--appropriate for a festival of books.

 A lot of different kinds of programs are held at the festival, from children's to romance to mystery and cooking and lots of other panels and presentations.  When I arrived one morning, I even got to see and hear part of the USC Marching Band.

And then there are the many booths, sponsored by a lot of different kinds of booksellers,  publishers, writers' organizations and more.  It was fun to visit a lot of them, or at least pass by them, when I wasn't scheduled to be at a booth.

I heard recently that the West Hollywood Book Fair, another favorite book event of mine, won't be held this year.  I was sorry to hear that.  But it made me cherish my time at the LATFOB even more.

And in case you're wondering... yes, I bought some books!

How about you--are there book fairs in your area?  Do you attend them?  What's your favorite part?



Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, that's great that you could take public transportation to USC.

I am going to do the same when I sign at the MWA booth at Printers Row in June.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Coincidentally I just checked the dates for Printers Row this morning, Betty. Unfortunately I can't make it this year. But it's a great event!